Evidența operatorului Arriva Nitra

autobusy - prezentare generală a vehiculelor

înapoi la pagina operatorului
Isuzu Turquoise 1 vehicul
Jelcz 041 11 vehicule
Jelcz 043 2 vehicule
Jelcz 272 MEX 3 vehicule
TO 52-29 NRA 03-65 6T2 78EII TO 59-96 TO 56-28 TO 56-xx TO 50-40 NR 84-xx TO 59-97 TO 55-97 TO 50-21 TO 52-25 TO 57-72 TO 52-6x TO 51-87 TO 52-54 NR-581BM 6T7 74E NR 85-xx TO 56-25 TO 50-46 TO 59-64 TO 55-95 ? TO 50-25 TO 52-24 TO 57-73 TO 52-81 TO 51-88 TO 52-44 NRA 03-xx TO 50-xx TO 56-33 TO 50-47 NR 96-xx TO 59-78 TO 55-98 TO 50-34 TO 59-47 TO 50-52 TO 52-52 TO 57-37 TO 52-42 NRA 16-57 ? TO 56-20 TO 51-74 NR 99-xx TO 59-99 TO 56-21 TO 50-33 6T2 60E TO 59-98 TO 55-68 TO 50-70 TO 52-23 TO 57-38 TO 52-49 NR 88-91 TO 51-95 TO 52-07 TO 59-94 TO 56-29 TO 50-35 NRA 03-27 6T7 76E TO 59-77 TO 55-83 NR-420BE TO 50-45 NR 90-xx TO 52-43 TO 57-50 TO 52-67 TO 57-14 NR-206BE TO 51-72 NR 84-97 NR 85-00 NR 85-01 NR 85-02 NR 85-18 NR 85-19 NR 85-20 NR 85-21 NR 85-24 NR 85-32 NR 85-33 NR 85-37 NR 85-38 NR 85-54 NR 85-55 NR 85-56 NR 85-57 NR 85-58 NR 8x-xx NR 86-37 NR 87-85 NR 87-86 NR 87-87 NR 88-02 NR 88-32 NR 88-33 NR 88-67 NR 88-68 NR 88-83 NR 88-89 NR 88-92 NR 8x-xx NR 88-xx NR 89-12 NR 89-47 NR 89-48 NR 89-82 NR 95-82 NR 96-xx NR 96-17 NR 96-18 NR 96-43 NR 96-63 NR 96-70 NR 96-85 NR 96-86 NR 97-03 NR 97-40 NR 97-41 NR 97-42 NR-576BM NR 99-94 NR 99-95 NRA 36-46II NRA 00-12 NRA 03-41 NRA 03-81 NRA 03-97 NRA 03-98 NRA 04-08 NRA 04-09 NRA 04-18 NRA 04-98 NRA 05-09 NRA 05-33 NRA 05-34 NRA 05-67 NRA 05-92 NRA 08-54 NRA 08-55 NRA 08-56 NRA 08-90 NR-405BE NR-318BE NR-099BS NRA 09-24 NR-770AV NRA 10-43 NRA 11-84 NRA 11-85 NRA 12-04 NR-564BM NRA 12-98 NRA 12-99 NRA 13-00 NR-577BM NR-771AV NRA 14-53 NR-412BE NRA 14-77 NR-411BE NRA 14-79 NRA 14-94 TO 67-00 NR-001BS NR-083AP NR-619BM NR-410BE NR-441BK NR-772AV NR-773AV NR-774AV NR-775AV NR-755AV NR-744AV NR-754AV NR-620BM NR-776AV NR-896AK NRA 16-56 NR-778AV NRA 17-21 NRA 17-22 NR-779AV NR-623BM NR-621BM NR-780AV NRA 17-47 NR-622BM NR-559BM NR-315BE NR-271BE NRA 19-32 NR-578BM NR-187BE NRA 20-26 NRA 20-37 NRA 20-38 NR-624BM NR-216BE NR-419BE NRA 21-56 NR-475BK NR-215BE NRA 21-86 NR-811AK NR-213BE NRA 22-08 NRA 58-13 NR-579BM NR-580BM NR-357BEII NR-625BM NR-418BE NR-417BE NRA 24-86 NR-627BM NR-218BE NR-493BM NR-217BE NR-416BE NRA 25-46 NR-357BE NR-415BE NR-603BM NR-144AJ NR-630BM NR-633BM NR-634BM NR-534CU NR-498BM NR-002BS NR-356BE NR-613BM NR-210BE NR-144AJII NR-208BE NR-638BM NR-354BE NR-588BM NR-639BM NR-084AP NR-589BM NR-610BM NR-548BM NR-015BS NR-022BS NR-729AK NR-640BM NRA 36-91 NR-641BM NR-380AJ NR-334BE NR-207BE NR-642BM NR-632AM NR-016BS NR-590BM NR-205BE NR-396BE NR-591BM NR-204BE NRA 41-95 NR-644BM NR-201BE NR-024BS NR-341BE NR-199BE NR-197BE NR-499BM NR-563BM NR-241BE NR-243BE NR-649BM NR-242BE NR-836BE NR-091AP NR-245BE NR-647BM NR-558BM NR-005BS NR-246BE NR-247BE NR-248BE NR-092AP NR-561BM NR-026BS NR-249BE NR-250BE NR-395BE NR-251BE NR-252BE NR-025BS NR-042BK NR-037CV NR-556BM NR-634AM NR-255BE NR-256BE NR-201CV NR-258BE NR-006BS NR-019BS NR-332BE NR-505BM NR-259BE NR-645BM NR-646BM NR-560BM NR-335BE NR-550BM NR-317FE NR-318FE NR-526FE NR-551CV NR-552CV NR-553CV NR-572CV NR-654CV NR-199BEII NR-084APII NR-498BMII 6T2 52E NR-380AJII NR-613BMII NR-022BSII 6T2 74E NR-663FT NR-664FT NR-665FT NR-667FT NR-668FT NR-669FT NR-332BEII NR-632AMII NR-589BMII NR-197CV NR-233CV NR-234CV NR-591BMII NR-305CV NR-213BEII
Karosa C 735.1031 6 vehicule
Karosa C 744.24 7 vehicule
Karosa C 834.1340 2 vehicule
Karosa ŠM 16,5 5 vehicule
Scania OmniLink 9 vehicule
SOR NBG 12 City 1 vehicul
Van Hool A330 4 vehicule
Van Hool AG300 14 vehicule
Zliner ZL 01 1 vehicul
În total, 1501 vehicule afișate, din acestea:
  • retras: 1102 vehicule
  • vândut/transferat altui operator: 207 vehicule
  • operațional: 170 vehiculelor
  • necunoscut: 9 vehicule
  • scos din operare pe termen lung: 7 vehicule
  • retras (există epava): 6 vehicule
Starea evidenței acestui operator
filtre | legendă | căutare rapidă
Culoarea vehiculului indică starea sa actuală:
operațional în ateliere/la reparație scos temporar din operare împrumutat altui operator încă neintrodus în operare de serviciu istoric/muzeal scos din operare pe termen lung scos definitiv din operare retras casat retras (există epava) vândut/transferat altui operator necunoscut

Căutare rapidă